Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

Awkward moment

the day before Yesterday you talked to him..
and You say I shouldn't know it..
Okay no problem.
He asked me what date i was born..
and some questions
And i answered it..
You didn't want to share with me..
And yesterday he text me..
He said " Since yesterday i talked bout you.. i love you"
just like that.. Lol
And you said to our friends when you "nembak" aku ?
That's fool boy..
And i not reply your msg
i said "i've never accept your msg.."
And today this morning at History Lesson
u said like yesterday..
And i bother you..
That's awkward moment for me
Jes.. sorry when i didn't tell you..
It just cause u keep your secret by yourself
And i can do it too girl..
i'm sorry :/

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